Miliah Produtos Naturais do Brasil Ltda was created on account of the perception that the herbal medicine market is in full expansion throughout the world and due to the fact that Brazil holds one of the greatest bio diversities on the planet. In addition, one particular species, which is highly sought after in Asia, but traded in a precarious way around the world, drew attention: Pfaffia Glomerata. Notwithstanding the interest of international consumers in this species, there are very few producers capable of supplying the consumer market on a regular basis and on a large scale. This was the central idea of the project that fostered the creation of Miliah: providing Pfaffia Glomerata to the global consumer market, offering a regular and large-scale production.

Our costumers will receive their merchandize in monthly batches, standardized with regard to moisture, beta-ecdysone percentage and degree of purity and shall, therefore, be able to organize their own production based on this. Concerning the worldwide production of Pfaffia Glomerata, Miliah’s proposal is relatively scarce and thus believed to meet the expectations of manufacturers who use it as raw material.
